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Chelmsford Police Introduces Communication Cards to Assist Deaf and Hard of Hearing Residents

The Chelmsford Police Department is proud to announce that our officers will now be carrying specialized communication cards designed to assist in interactions with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. These cards, provided by the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (MCDHH), feature simple visual aids and instructions to facilitate better communication between officers and community members who may have difficulty hearing or understanding verbal commands.

The card offers several ways to communicate, including the use of interpreters, written communication, gestures, and other visual cues. It also includes information for individuals on how they can indicate their preferred method of communication during an interaction with law enforcement.

Chief Colin Spence highlighted the importance of these cards, stating, “These tools will ensure that every member of our community, regardless of their hearing ability, can effectively communicate with our officers in any situation. This is a crucial step toward inclusivity and ensuring the safety of all residents.”

In addition to these cards, the Chelmsford Police Department has made it easier for residents with disabilities to connect with emergency services. A disability notification form is now available on the department’s website. Residents can fill out this form, allowing our dispatch system to recognize if the caller may have a disability when a 911 call is placed. This allows us to dispatch the appropriate response, ensuring that our officers and first responders are aware of and prepared for any special circumstances upon arrival.

The Chelmsford Police Department remains committed to improving accessibility and ensuring that all individuals in our community feel safe, understood, and respected.

For more information, visit the Chelmsford Police Department website