NEMLEC SWAT and motor unit
The Chelmsford Police Department has three Officers assigned to the NEMLEC SWAT Team. Sergeant Nick Ziminsky, Officer Nick Thayer, and Officer Craig Mead respond to critical incidents in the region and are on-call 24/7/365. The NEMLEC SWAT Team is a group of highly trained individuals who supplement agencies in the NEMLEC communities. The Chelmsford Police Department has one Officer assigned to the NEMLEC Regional Response Team, Officer Keith Leczynski. The RRT is also a group to supplements regional agencies, however, this group focuses on large-scale events.
Sergeant Bob Brown and Detective Chris Mauti are part of the NEMLEC motorcycle response unit. This unit handles various events across the state, including parades, funerals, and special escorts. Both Sgt. Brown and Det. Mauti dedicate extra time each year to specialized motorcycle training with the NEMLEC Motor Unit.