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Pillar 6 – Officer Safety and Wellness

Pillar six notes that the wellness and safety of law enforcement officers is critical not only for the officers, their colleagues, and their agencies but also to public safety. It emphasizes that the support and implementation of officer wellness and safety are multi-partner efforts. Law enforcement agencies should promote wellness and safety at every level of the organization, and internal procedural justice principles should be adopted for all internal policies and

It is well-documented that law enforcement officers are subject to more stress than the general population. The nature of their job requires working with difficult and sometimes hostile individuals, tragic events, compounded by often long hours of service. These stressors manifest in high rates of physical and mental health risks. To counteract these cumulative effects, Pillar 6 recommends providing police officers with education and assistance with physical, mental, financial, and spiritual well-being.

Examples of the ways the police department demonstrates best practices in officer safety and wellness:

  • In 2023, the department offered an advanced health screening for all employees from Sigma Tactical Wellness. Sigma provides advanced cardiometabolic screening which incorporates advanced cardiovascular biomarker detection, cardiac imaging, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing to identify coronary disease.
  • Employees are encouraged to meet with mental health professionals yearly.
  • Department members are provided 24/7 access to two fitness facilities at the department. Officers are also allowed to work out on duty when applicable.
  • Employees hired after 2012 are required to complete a physical fitness test. Employees hired before 2012 are strongly encouraged to complete the test.
  • In 2024, the department is focused on establishing a peer support program. Currently, the department will use other peer support programs from surrounding agencies.
  • Officers are required to complete an annual physical.
Additional Information on the 6 Pillars of 21st Century Policing